

CryptoLocker – A Real Nasty Virus

cryptoOnline attackers are using encryption to lock up our files and demand a ransom — and AV software probably won’t protect you.

There are ways to defend yourself from CryptoLocker.

Forgive me if I sound a bit like those bogus virus warnings proclaiming, “You have the worst virus ever!!” But there’s a new threat to our data that we need to take seriously. It’s already hit many consumers and small businesses. Called CryptoLocker, this infection shows up in two ways.

First, you see a red banner (see above) on your computer system, warning that your files are now encrypted — and if you send money to a given email address, access to your files will be restored to you.

Contact me for free initial advice to prevent or recover  from CryptoLocker .

Brendan Moran

086 859 6701