Adobe’s Dreamweaver is the industry standard when it comes to web design. If you want to create dynamic websites, then Dreamweaver should be your software tool of choice. Do amazing things with your website and get it up and running professionally in no time.
The main items covered in training will include:
- Create sophisticated web pages that draw from data sources
- Use Templates and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Setup your local and remote website
- Work with Text, Images and Tables
- Make a Site Map
- Create Rollover effects
- Format Web Pages with Style Sheets
- Create Forms for Capturing Visitor Data
- Insert Jump Menus
- Explore Layers
- Adding Interactive Behaviours
- Use Libraries and Templates
- Insert Multimedia Elements into Web Pages Cameras
- Produce Different Layouts with Tables
- Automating Repetitive Tasks
Training in all versions of Adobe Dreamweaver including Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, and Adobe Dreamweaver CS6.